heart shaped straddle cable hanger

Designed here in Michigan (inspired by the Onza “Chill Pill”), machined of 6061 aluminum in the Kitsap Pennisula in Washington State by Uriel of Austere Manufacturing, and anodized by Velocity USA just west of here in Grand Rapids, MI. These limited run batches made about once per year. As such with things made by humans, your enthusiasm is appreciated for the small variances that occur.

A set includes:
- Two shaped hangers
- Two 5mm set screw
  (2.5mm socket size)

A few notes:
these only work with single ended straddle cables, not double ended.
2. if you’d like to mix and match, you’ll have to buy two pairs - or trade with a friend because thats cute.
3. Please type “Local Pickup” in the notes if you are in the Detroit area. I’ll refund your shipping cost and we can meet IRL!

Jubilee is for joy.

...and freedom - and is a one-woman operation in Detroit, Michigan. Imagined for years and founded in 2020, Jubilee seeks to create custom bicycle frames that care for their rider, plus small scale design + manufacture of components that bring a little love along for the ride.

Updates and more will be shared in a once monthly newsletter. Subscribe below.

For inquiries, please email or message at the contact information below.

email: sam at jubileemfg dot com
imstagram: @jubileemfg

Note: custom frames are not currently being built.
I will open a waitlist when the time is right. Sign up at the newsletter above to be notified.

Contact: Email or Instagram
©Studio Jubilee LLC 2024

Disclaimer: All products are used at the risk of the purchaser and are warrantied for 3 years from date of purchase